International prize “Tullio Levi-Civita” for the Mathematical and Mechanical Sciences


2023 Prize Winners
  • Thomas Buchert
  • University Claude Bernard in Lyon, France and École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, France
  • Laudatio
2022 Prize Winners
  • Laure Saint-Raymond
  • Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, in Bures-sur-Yvette (France)
  • Laudatio
2021 Prize Winners
  • Thierry Paul
  • CNRS IRL LYSM and LJLL Sorbonne Université, France
  • Laudatio
2020 Prize Winners
  • Felix Otto
  • Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig
  • Announcement Laudatio
2019 Prize Winners
  • George Ellis
  • University of Cape Town in South Africa
  • Announcement Laudatio
2018 Prize Winners
2017 Prize Winners
2016 Prize Winners
2015 Prize Winners
2014 Prize Winners
2013 Prize Winners
2012 Prize Winners
  • Félix Darve
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology,
  • Laudatio
2011 Prize Winners
2010 Prize Winners
  • Lucio Russo
  • Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
  • Laudatio


Art.1 Prize establishment

The International Prize “Tullio Levi-Civita” will recognize the high quality and the undisputed originality of the Scientific Research of eminent, Italian or foreign scientists.
Indispensable prerequisite for the appointment of the prize will be the determination of the International value of the research done by the winner. The Selection Committee will explain the choice with a written report which will be issued on the M&MoCS website.

Art. 2 Selection committee

The Prize will be awarded by a Selection Committee composed by scientists appointed by the President of the Foundation MEMOCS and the Executive Council of M&MoCS Centre. The Director of the M&MoCS Centre will be part of the commission and will write the Minutes.The Committee will be chaired by a senior member in the role of first rank professor or equivalent. The prize will be awarded only by unanimous vote of the Selection Committee.

Art.3 Art.3 Recognition to the winners

The prize will be awarded to not more than two scientists per year. The Selection Committee will chose the scientific meeting where the prize will be presented.

Art.4 Award criteria

The Selection Committee will determine the winner’s profound and extensive expertise in Theoretical or Applied Mechanics or in Mathematics. The International prize “Tullio Levi-Civita” will be awarded to scientists who have distinguished themselves for their innovative high-value results which will have to be considered as important by the International Scientific Community and have appeared both in scientific journals and in volumes with international distribution. The winner should have contributed to the formation of at least one young researcher.

Art.5 Ceremony

The prizes will be awarded with a public ceremony during the selected scientific meeting. The Director of MEMOCS and/or a member of the selection committee will present the prize to the winners.