Organization Chart

From 2012 to 2016 the Director of the center was Prof. Angelo Luongo.

Following the election of the bodies of the Centre for the period 2016/2017-2019/2020, the designated Director was Prof. Francesco dell’Isola.

Following the election of the bodies of the Centre for the period 2020/2021-2023/2024, the designated Director is Prof. Francesco dell’Isola.

The day November 21st 2016 the Director proposes the establishment of an Executive Committee, as from art. 5) of the Statute of the M&MoCS Centre.

The Council delegates to the Executive Committee as follows. The Executive Committee:

  • will deliberate about every subject concerning the relationships of the MEMOCS center with the local Italian administrations, foundations and private entities which are supporting the MEMOCS center. Moreover the executive committee
  • will have deliberative powers for what concerns the relationships with the other academic bodies of the Università dell’Aquila and other Italian research Institutions and will decree the decisions voted by the deliberative committees
  • will propose to the competent Academic Bodies of Università dell’Aquila the conclusion of contracts or agreements with Private or Public Italian Corporations according to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Art.4 of the Statute
  • will submit annually requests for funding and allocation of Technical and Administrative Staff;
  • will approve annually the Budget and the Balance of the Center, according to the expiry dates established for similar requirements of the University Departments and according to the deliberations of deliberative committees
  • Considering also the natural requirement of a greater involvement of the councilors in the activities of the center, the executive council will act with the additional support of three complementary deliberative committees, which are created by the council.

    1. The first deliberative committee “Control and Representation” :
      • will deliberate about any proposal received by any councilor, will transmit the approved deliberation to the executive committee for final approval, based on the statute;
      • will deliberate about the membership of scientists and researchers to the center, after the establishment of the corresponding dossier by the co-ordinator;[1]
      • will deliberate about the expenses exceeding the maximum amount allowed to the director;
    2. The second deliberative committee “International collaborations”:
      • will deliberate about the organisation of conference, research weeks and summer school ;
      • will be competent for the relationships with non-Italian Universities and research institutions
      • will deliberate about the relationships with the French CNRS for every subject concerning the management of the International Laboratory LIA Coss&Vita.;
    3. The third deliberative committee “Industrial Collaborations and Financial Support”:
      • will propose to the competent Academic Bodies the conclusion of contracts or agreements with Private or Public Foreign (non-Italian) Corporations according to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Art.4 of the Statute (see below);
      • will be competent for the relationships with European and non-European financing institutions;
      • will deliberate about the establishment of committees for prizes and competitive grant holders selection;
      • will submit by June 30 of each year a comprehensive plan of initiatives for approval by the Scientific Committee, consistent with the institutional aims of the Center, to be implemented in the next calendar year;
      • will deliberate about the establishment of scientific or research and development relationships with any private or public corporation or institutions; in particular will care for the establishment of links with legal entities involved in biomechanics, bioengineering and engineering sciences applied to Medicine.
  • The fourth deliberative committee “Management of the journal MeMoCS”::
    1. with the agreement of the Guarantee Editorial Board, will choose among the accepted papers those published with the financial support of MeMoCS;
    2. will act to promote the Journal widening its readership and authorship;
    3. will promote donations and subscriptions for increasing the financial endowment of the Journal.
  • The minutes of the deliberative committees will be drawn by a co-ordinator in the English language (subsequently translated into Italian language for the local administration); the third deliberative committee has two co-ordinators because it is needed that a copy of the minute is written in the Italian Language. The members of scientific council can participate to the activities of all deliberative committees and will receive the minutes of all their meetings as members not concurring to the formation of quorum for valid deliberation.

    Members of Executive

    Bruno Rubino (Deputy-Director)

    Raffaele Esposito

    Ivan Giorgio (Responsible for the minutes)

    First Deliberative Committee

    Co-ordinator: Luca Placidi

    Further Quorum Members: Emek Abali, Emilio Barchiesi, Antonio Cazzani, Anil Misra, Reuven Segev, David Steigmann and Armine Ulukhanyan

    Second Deliberative Committee

    Co-ordinators: Yves Remond and Boris Desmorat

    Further Quorum Members: Alessandro Ciallella, Giuseppe Rosi, Boris Lossouarn, Mikhail Nikabadze, Erkan Oterkus, Simon Rafael Eugster, Niiranen Jarkko and Erden Yildizdag.

    Third Deliberative Committee

    Co-ordinators : Daniel George and Emilio Turco

    Further Quorum Members: Emilio Barchiesi, Marcello Di Risio, Serge Dos Santos, Tomasz Lekszycki and Yves Remond.

    Fourth Deliberative Committee

    Co-ordinators : Boris Desmorat and Emilio Barchiesi

    Further Quorum Members: Martin Ostojia-StarzewskiAnil Misra, Victor Eremeyev, Micol Amar, Koffi Enakoutsa and Federica Ongaro.

    It is worth to be noted that the members of the executive council from 2017 to 2020 were: Bruno Rubino (Depity Director), Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Raffaele Esposito, Francesco D’Annibale (responsible for the minutes), Università degli Studi dell’Aquila.

    It is worth to be noted that the members of the executive council from 2012 to 2016 were: Angelo Luongo (Director), Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Francesco dell’Isola, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Raffaele Esposito (External Expert), Bruno Rubino, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Gabriella D’Alessandro, (Administrative Secretary).


    The Director represents the Centre in dealing with academic authorities and with the matters outside the laboratory. In addition the Director:

    • convenes and chairs the Scientific Committee and the Council;
    • implements the decisions of the governing bodies of the Centre;
    • is subject to the laws and regulations governing the department directors of the University;
    • makes autonomous provision for expenditure to the maximum amount foreseen for department directors in accordance with University administrative-accounting regulations;
    • is available as necessary to the normal ongoing activities of the Centre;
    • supervises the activities of technical-administrative staff working at the Centre;
    • appoints a vice-director from among the teachers and researchers at the University in case of absence or inability to fulfill the role .

    The Director is appointed by the Rector and by the Council , and is chosen among the Full Professors of the Center . The Director shall remain in charge for four years and cannot hold the office for more than two consecutive terms.

    Scientific Committee

    The Scientific Committee has the task of ensuring the scientific validity and cultural initiatives promoted by the Center, coordinating programs. In particular:

    • approve a plan of action within the institutional aims of the Centre by the end of each calendar year, to be implemented in the next calendar year, based on proposals made by the Council pursuant to article 8;
    • prepare and forward to the Chancellor, by the end of each calendar year, an activity report by the Centre regarding the previous year;
    • express judgements, binding for the Council, on the scientific curriculum vitae of teachers and researchers during the membership applications and proposals for international collaboration in article 4 of these Regulations.

    The Scientific Committee consists of:

    1. representatives of Teachers and Researchers of the Center:
      • Victor Eremeyev, Università degli Studi di cagliari, Italy
      • Pierangelo Marcati, Gran sasso Science Institute, Italy
      • Rosanna Marra, Università degli Studi di Roma TOR Vergata, Italy
      • Yves Remond, Université de Strasbourg, France.
      • Francois Hild, University Paris-Saclay, France
    2. Italian or Foreign experts of high qualification and expertise in the topics of the Center:
      • David Steigmann, UC Berkeley. U.S.A.
      • Luca Placidi, Università Telematica Internazionale “UNINETTUNO”, Italy
      • Pierre Seppecher, Université de Toulon, France
      • Micola Amar, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
    3. Member nominated by the Foundation
      • Selda Oterkus, University of Strathclyde, U.K.

    The Scientific Committee is in charge for four academic years with no limit to the number of consecutive terms of office carried out by the members referred to in points b), c) and d).

    The composition of the scientific committee from 2017 to 2020 was the following:

    • Victor Eremeyev, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland
    • Gilles Francfort, Université Paris-Nord, France
    • Mario Pulvirenti, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Italy
    • David Steigmann, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.
    • Samuel Forest, Centre des Matériaux, MINES Paristech, France
    • Pierre Seppecher, Université du Sud Toulon-Var, France
    • Tomasz Lekszycki, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
    • Tudor Ratiu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
    • Anna De Masi, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
    • Yves Rémond, Université de Strasbourg,France

    The composition of the scientific committee from 2012 to 2016 was the following:

    • Francesco dell’Isola, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
    • Mario Pulvirenti, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
    • Pierre Seppecher, Université du Sud Toulon-Var, France
    • Bruno Rubino, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
    • Félix Darve, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France
    • David Steigmann, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.
    • Gilles Francfort, Université Paris-Nord, France
    • Patrick Selvadurai, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
    • Peter Markowich, University of Cambridge, UK


    The Council collaborates with the Center Director in ensuring the functioning of the Centre, in particular:

    • decide on the membership of University departments following the establishment of the Centre, as per paragraph 1 of article 4, as well as on the membership of individual teachers and researchers wishing to join according to paragraphs 1, 3 and 5 of article 4;
    • propose contract stipulations or agreements with Italian or foreign public or private bodies, to the competent academic bodies, according to paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 4;
    • deliberate on expenditure which is higher than that of maximum remit of the Director;
    • annually submit requests for funding and allocation of technical and administrative staff;
    • approve the annual budget and final accounts of the Centre, within the deadlines established for similar requirements in the departments of the University;
    • submit by June 30 of each year on the approval by the Scientific Committee, a comprehensive plan of initiatives consistent with the institutional aims of the Centre, to be implemented in the next calendar year;
    • deliberate on all matters concerning the functioning of the Centre which the Director shall submit for evaluation.

    The Council of the Center consists of:

    • The Director of the Center , as chairman;
    • All the Professors and Researchers of the Center;
    • A Representative elected by the Technical-Administrative staff working at the Center;
    • The Chief Executive Officer ( although interim) of the Center, which serves as the minutes

    The Elective Members remain in office for four academic years with no limits to the number of consecutive terms of office carried out by the members referred to in points b), c) and d).