Functional Multiscale Meta-materials and Smart Systems Lab

Director and Scientific Coordinator: Dr Antonio Rinaldi

Activities and Services

The ” Functional Multiscale Meta-materials and Smart Systems Lab” (LAMSI) is a project entirely funded by MIUR FIRB 2010 for the development of nanotechnology for energy.

The activities carried out in the Laboratory range from numerical modeling to experimentation on micro-and nano-structural functional materials with many applications, from biomaterials to energy harvesting. Through agreements and partnerships with the ENEA, CNR and the top three universities in Rome, the laboratory has equipment for electron microscopy, ionic and atomic force (including advanced modes for spectroscopy and nanoindentation) for the characterization of micro-and nano-structural innovative materials. The LAMSI is at the service of the local community and industry, promoting technological initiatives and consulting on R&D and training.

The objective of the LAMSI is twofold. From a scientific point of view the LAMSI aims at conductingworld-class fundamental research through cooperation in the EU and worldwide. From the point of view of the industrial-technological services, the LAMSI support the professionals of the future and select innovative ideas, promoting the creation and development of enterprises. In the spirit of open networks, the LAMSI itself serves as aR&D partner for SMEs and hostsseveral associations and enterprises amongst its supporting members (see affiliates page).

  • Optical Microscopy (Zeiss, Leica)
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (LEO 1350, FEI XL30)
  • Microanalysis EDS , STEM, EBIC
  • Atomic Force Microscopy (FlexAFMNanosurf)
  • Microtesting equipment (Deben, Microtest)
  • Universal loading frames up to 100kN with ovens (Mayes, Instron)
  • Durometers, micro-indentation, nano-indentation
  • Charpy and micro-charpy pundulum
  • Creep testing equipment

Also available: EBL lithography, FIB, EBSD, welding (laser, EB, tig), He SEM

  • Moncada M, Cognini F, De Angelis U, Ferrara D, De Santis G, Pilloni L, Barbieri G, Rinaldi A, 2012. Experimental Assessment of Damage Mechanisms in Both One-Piece and Welded Aluminum Foam Sandwich Beams, ICDM 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Rinaldi A, Peralta P, Sieradzki K, Traversa E, Licoccia S, 2012, “Dislocation Density on Sample-Size Dependent Plasticity in Nanoscale Pillars and Buttons”. Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, 2(3), 42-48 (2012)
  • Rinaldi A,  2011. “Effects of Dislocation Density and Sample-Size on Plastic Yielding at the Nanoscale: a Weibull-like Framework”, Nanoscale, 3 4817-23
  • Rinaldi A, 2011. “Statistical model with two order parameters for ductile and soft fiber bundles in nanoscience and biomaterials”, Phys Rev E , 83(4-2):046126 .
  • Rinaldi A, Licoccia S, Traversa E., 2011, “Nanomechanics For MEMS: A Structural Design Perspective”, Nanoscale, 3, 811-824 .
  • Rinaldi A, Correa-Duarte MA, Salgueirino-Maceira V, Licoccia S, Traversa E, Dávila-Ibáñez AB, Peralta P, Sieradzki K, “In-situ micro-compressiontests of single core-shellnanoparticles”, Acta Mater., 58(19):6474-6486
  • Alvino A, Lega D, Giacobbe F, Mazzocchi V, Rinaldi A, 2010, “Damage characterization in two reformer heater tubes after 10 years of service at different operative and maintenance conditions”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 17 (7-8), 1526–1541.
  • Rinaldi A, Peralta P, Friesen C, Nahar D, Licoccia S, Traversa E, Sieradzki K, 2010, “Super-hard nanobuttons: constraining crystal plasticity and dealing with extrinsic effects at the nanoscale”, Small, 6(4):528-36.
  • Mandoli C, Mecheri B, Forte G, Pagliari S, Pagliari F, Carotenuto F, Fiaccavento R, Rinaldi A, Di Nardo P, Licoccia S, Traversa E, 2010, “Thick soft tissue reconstruction on highly perfusive biodegradable scaffolds”, Macromolecular Bioscience, 10(2):127-38
  • Soliman S, Pagliari S, Rinaldi A, et. al., 2010, “Multiscale 3d Scaffolds For Soft Tissue Engineering Via Multimodal Electrospinning”, ActaBiomaterialia; 6: 1227-1237.
  • Rinaldi A, 2009, “A rational model for 2D Disordered Lattices Under Uniaxial Loading”, Int. J. Damage Mech., 18; 233-57
  • Rinaldi A*, Peralta P, Friesen C, Chawla N, Traversa E, Sieradzki K, 2009, “Localized Compression And Shear Tests On Nanotargets With A Berkovich Tip And A Novel Multifunctional Tip”, J. Mater. Res., Vol 24, No.3, 768-775 (focus issue on Indentation edited by Prof. G. Pharr)
  • Rinaldi A, Mecheri B, Garavaglia V, Licoccia S, Di Nardo P, Traversa E, 2009,“Engineering Materials And Biology To Boost Performance Of Microbial Fuel Cells: A Critical Review”, Energy Environ. Sci., 1, 417–29
  • Rinaldi A*, Krajcinovic K, Peralta P, Lai Y-C, 2008, “Modeling Polycrystalline Microstructures With Lattice Models: A Quantitative Approach”, Mech. Mater., 40, 17-36
  • Rinaldi A, Peralta P, Friesen C, Sieradzki K, 2008, “Sample-size Effects in the Yield Behavior of Nanocrystalline Nickel”, Acta Mater., 56, 511-7
  • Rinaldi A*, Lai, YC, 2007, “Damage Theory Of 2D Disordered Lattices: Energetics And Physical Foundations Of Damage Parameter”, Int. J. Plasticity, 23, 1796-1825
  • Rinaldi A, book chapter (125 pages) “Advances In Statistical Damage Mechanics: New Modelling Strategies” in the monograph “Damage Mechanics and Micromechanics of Localized Fracture Phenomena in Inelastic Solids”, Ed. Voyiadjis G., CISM Course Series, Vol. 525, Springer, 2011, ISBN 978-3-7091-0426-2.
  • Rinaldi A, Voyiadjis G, Ju WJ, 2009, “Obituary: Professor DusanKrajcinovic: A Biographical Sketch”, Int. J. Damage Mech., Mar 2009; vol. 18: 105-114.

Afferenti e Collaborazioni